GDB tui模式

编译GDB支持TUI模式 #

方法1:按照下面两个参考链接中尝试无效 #

$ cat meta-kaba-hacks/recipes-devtools/gdb/gdb-%.bbappend 
EXTRA_OECONF += " --enable-tui"

方法2:更换顺序tui的配置顺序,重新编译 #

 vi ../sources/oe-core/meta/recipes-devtools/gdb/ +40
 40 #PACKAGECONFIG[tui] = "--enable-tui,--disable-tui"
 41 PACKAGECONFIG[tui] = "--disable-tui,--enable-tui"
MACHINE=am335x-evm bitbake  -c clean gdb
MACHINE=am335x-evm bitbake  -c cleansstate gdb
MACHINE=am335x-evm bitbake  -k gdb
MACHINE=am335x-evm bitbake package-index

提示出错 #

Cannot enable the TUI: terminal doesn’t support cursor addressing [TERM=dumb]


export TERM=linux

Beej’s Quick Guide to GDB #

command Note
Window Commands
info win Shows current window info
focus winname Set focus to a particular window bby name (“SRC”, “CMD”, “ASM”, or “REG”) or by position (“next” or “prev”)
fs Alias for focus
layout type Set the window layout (“src”, “asm”, “split”, or “reg”)
tui reg type Set the register window layout (“general”, “float”, “system”, or “next”)
winheight val Set the window height (either an absolute value, or a relative value prefaced with “+” or “-”)
wh Alias for winheight
set disassembly-flavor flavor Set the look-and-feel of the disassembly. On Intel machines, valid flavors are intel and att